Rugged Tooling obtains FINSCS Cyber Security Certificate
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In July 2018, Rugged Tooling has obtained the FINSCS Cyber Security Certificate on 23th July, 2018. The certificate confirms that Rugged Tooling has taken the cyber security measures necessary to prepare for cyber risks. Being prepared for cyber risks is a key tool for ensuring business continuity by confirming our capability to maintain and further enhance our cybersecurity. The certificate ensures that our company conforms to the requirements of FINCSC certification as of 8th March, 2018 and it will be valid for 1 year.
About the FINCSC certificate: The certificate has been created for companies and organizations to ensure their capability to maintain their cybersecurity and to offer functional and trustworthy services to their customers. It has been developed in Cyber Scheme Finland project during 1.9.2015 to 30.11.2016, in order to give companies tools to reach and maintain a good level of cybersecurity, and to have means to prove this capability to their customers and partners.