Rugged Tooling teams up with CAP Data to research use of AI in cyber security
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Business Finland has granted funding for research on the use of AI in anomaly detection to Rugged Tooling.
The goal of the research is to leverage Rugged Tooling’s advanced traffic visibility platform, PreScope® and AI algorithms from CAP Data to research the use of machine learning and AI in IP network anomaly detection. The aim is to use to the powerful processing of the PreScope to boost the abilities of CAP Data technology to create a self-adapting cyber security tool.
“It is exciting to bring new technologies to the world of IP network security management. This combination of AI and domain expertise is ideal for the project”, says Tuomo Sipola, CEO of CAP.
“We are thrilled to work with CAP Data experts on the projects. We expect that by integrating their AI in our technology platform will result in an advanced cyber security tool”, says Petri Ylläsjärvi, CEO of Rugged Tooling. “Thanks to the support of Business Finland, we will be able to gather speed for our technology development.” he continues.
The PreScope platform is an advanced traffic visibility platform developed by Rugged Tooling. It is a powerful tool for IP traffic monitoring and filtering. The tools is capable of managing IP traffic in real time, filtering it based on dynamically adjusted filters and capturing data in full line rates.
Rugged Tooling is an innovative cyber security company located in Oulu, Finland. The company provides tools and services for ensuring the security and robustness of IP networks.
CAP Data Technologies is a Finnish start-up company with its roots in the scientific competence of the University of Jyväskylä, focusing on big data analysis. CAP has the unique ability to spot anomalies automatically without fingerprints in large volumes of data using machine learning algorithms.